Wind in the Willows

California’s Self-Inflicted Wounds
Wind in the Willows--- Willow Creek Partners Wind in the Willows--- Willow Creek Partners

California’s Self-Inflicted Wounds

Last month Los Angeles’ so called Mansion Tax went into effect.  This tax, supported by 57% of voters was intended to help the city’s problem with homelessness.  Instead, this tax is likely to crush sales of properties worth over $5M, and devastate transactions in properties over $10M.  While this transfer of wealth is called the Mansion Tax, the name is a complete misstatement of what the tax actually is. 

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Rise of the Millionaire Renter
Wind in the Willows--- Willow Creek Partners Wind in the Willows--- Willow Creek Partners

Rise of the Millionaire Renter

Most people, when they think back to the Great Financial Crisis, they think of excess. Excesses in leverage, lackadaisical analysis of credit and a glut of housing. And yes, that was what led to the financial crisis, but in the wake of the FC, a fascinating thing occurred. Banks worked hard to fix their loan books, home builders slowed their activity and investors nearly forgot single family housing. For good reason too.

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