Value exists where demand meets opportunity.
That’s not just our tagline, but an indication of who we are and why we exist.

When investors hear the term “value,” most think about buying an asset below its intrinsic value. For us, it means buying assets that trade for a price below their replacement cost. By doing so, we put a floor under returns that should skew positively in favor of our investors.
Where, then, does demand meet opportunity? With a combination of skill, experience, and patience, we seek out opportunities every day in news items and changes in data.
We focus on private equity and real estate markets for several important reasons:
1. Diversification
Studies have shown that the addition of private investments (either equity or real estate) to the traditional 60/40 stock and bond portfolio both increases returns and decreases risk.
2. Market inefficiency
These markets are generally less efficient than public markets where data availability and the number of participants is high. Public markets have their place, but it is very difficult to add value over time relative to index participation.
3. Experience & knowledge
Our team has the expertise to drive investment returns.
While market inefficiencies and experience and knowledge are generally well-known reasons to invest in private markets, diversification is one of the most important reasons to include private equity and real estate in any portfolio.
Unfortunately, only a small subset of sophisticated investors and academics understand this to be the case.
This suggests that there is a maximum amount of return available for any given amount of risk taken, and that any rational investor should pursue a portfolio combining assets in search of maximum efficiency.
Despite the beauty in the simplicity of a 60/40 portfolio, adding additional asset classes has proven time and again to improve upon return and lower risk. This is particularly true of real estate and private equity.
We believe that the combination of market misperceptions of risk and return, together with a lack of access to alternative products, will allow these conditions to persist for the foreseeable future. All of which makes diversification one of the places where demand meets opportunity.
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